Get To Know Churp Churp :
What is Churp Churp?
If you love sharing with your friends on the latest happenings, trends and brands that you like and love, then Churp Churp is definitely for you! We are a community that rewards social media influencers like you for sharing messages on the latest updates, campaigns and events! As a member, you can also join the different contests & events that we have from time to time to mingle around with like-minded fellow Churpers! You will get email notifications regarding the latest updates and events from time to time! Awesome, yes?
Can I join Churp Churp?
Of course! You can join Churp Churp as long as you are social media user! Don't worry if you don't have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can also share it via other platforms that you have e.g: Blogs, Instant Messaging and so much more! But of course, having more platforms = more ways to share = more rewards!
Does that mean I will be spamming my friends with ads?
No of course not! We are allowing you to choose how often you would like to share the messages as well as which message you think would interest your friends! But of course, for maximum exposure you may share it anywhere and as often as you like!
Getting Started:
How do I start using Churp Churp?
Signing up for Churp Churp is easy, just like ABC! You may choose to sign up using your Facebook account or using your email address if you are not a Facebook user. Follow the instructions given & you are officially a Churper! Click here to start!
How does Churp Churp work?
There are two main methods available for you to share messages with your friends: Social Sharing and Social Seeding. You can find Social Sharing campaigns on Churp Churp's homepage and start sharing immediately! For Social Seeding, you will be notified via email each time you are selected for it!
What's the use of authorizing my Facebook & Twitter accounts?
Certain campaigns might require seeding of information on either Facebook or Twitter accounts. By authorizing, you are giving yourself a higher chance to be selected by us!
Social Share:
What is Social Share?
Social Share allows you to choose the campaigns you like & to share it out with your friends! Every unique click you get from sharing from your personal link will get you rewarded! There is no limit on the number of campaigns that you can share!
How do I do Social Sharing?
Really simple! Choose any campaigns that you would like to share from the list shown on Churp Churp's homepage, compose your message with your personal link & start choosing the platforms you would like to share on! The more you share, the higher the chance of earning more cash and rewards!
Can Churp Churp automatically share my Social Share messages?
Yes! You may opt in and allow Churp Churp to share your Social Share messages automatically. You may also choose your preferred frequency of sharing! It's all up to you. Your Social Share messages will then be automatically shared on the platforms that you allow access to.
What are the Dos and Don'ts of Social Sharing?
We encourage you to personalize your messages when sharing it on your Facebook, Twitter or other social networking platforms and only email or share it with your friends that might be interested. We strongly discourage spamming it on the partners' Facebook Fan Pages and their competitors, sharing it on suspicious or Pay to Click (PTC) sites and sharing it with misleading messages.
Social Seeding:
What is Social Seeding?
Social seeding campaigns are campaigns that are pre-assigned to you. Once you are selected for a campaign, you will be notified via e-mail. The campaign will be shown on your dashboard and you will be given a brief to compose your posts in selected platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or Forums.
How do I do Social Seeding?
There will be a guideline and brief provided to you where you are required to personalize your messages with a few required pointers and keywords. Your tweets' assignments will be scheduled and will be published automatically for you. As for Facebook and Forum seeding assignments – postings are done manually from your end.
When will my Social Seeding messages be published?
Social Seeding messages will be published / will be required to publish from your end during the campaign duration. So submit your Social Seeding tweets the soonest you can, and you will have higher chances of them getting approved! After all, you don't want your messages to be published randomly right?
Getting Rewarded:
I've shared campaigns. When do I get my earnings?
Your earnings will be credited within a week after the campaign has ended. Click fraud charges are taken very seriously by us and offenders will not have their earnings credited.. Do look through the detailed guideline for Social Share for references : here
Is there a limit on how many campaigns I can share at one time?
Nope! You can share as much as you want! There are no limits of how many campaigns you can share at one time, so go crazy!
How do I get rewarded from the campaigns?
Social Sharing rewards you by the number of unique clicks collected during a campaign. Social Seeding, on the other hand, rewards you based on the size of your Facebook friends, Twitter followers or forums that you are required to share on. However, to prevent fake accounts we do routine checks to ensure that your friends/followers are genuine.
How do I cash out my earnings?
You may cash out your earnings upon reaching the minimum cash out rate of your region. Simply click on "Cash Out My Earnings" and you will receive an email notification of the payment. Please note that a transaction fee is applied to all cash outs. We will process your payment 30 days after the end of the month you cashed out in.EG: if you cashed out on April 15, your payment will be processed at the end of May.
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